送料無料 1/6 DID E60062 第一次世界大戦英国テーブル地台アクセサリーセット

送料無料 1/6 DID E60062 第一次世界大戦英国テーブル地台アクセサリーセット

発売日 2021年10月
サイズ 1/6スケール
商品仕様 フィギュア パーツ
メーカー DID


In order to make Colonel Mackenzie perfect, we have made a WWI War Desk diorama for him, which contains highly-detailed notebook, little box, wine bottle, maps with case, magnifying glass, compass, Kerosene lamp, pen and ink bottle. With the diorama, you could DIY the scenario that Colonel Mackenzie is making the war plan.

Don’t forget that those who order Colonel Mackenzie with the war desk diorama set at the same time would get extra discount on war desk. What a good deal, just come and get them.

Full Part List
1 Wooden war desk
2 Platform
3 Brown notebook
4 Little box
5 Wine bottle
6 Map
7 Map case
8 Magnifying glass
9 Compasses
10 Kerosene lamp
11 Pen
12 Ink bottle


型番 DID E60062